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News & Events


11/12/2022 919

Model United Nation has been a chance for students to challenge themselves with urgent real-world problems and now, APUMUN is established with the purpose of giving out chances for APU eagles to learn, to discover, and to connect.


For APUMUN I, the Executive Board delivered two committees, Social, Humanitarian, & Cultural Issues (SOCHUM) and the European Commission (EC) to discuss problems like LGBT+ discrimination and the European Energy Crisis. All delegates and chairs have gone through two days of hard work along with intense debate to decide whether the proposed Draft Resolution would pass or not. Even more exciting, after separate sessions, the two committees merged to discuss a controversial topic: “Should we live in ignorance or face the truth?”, which ended up to be a heated yet humorous discussion.




This is an activity in which students can push themselves out of their comfort zones, enhance critical thinking as well as debating skills, and broaden their horizons across various fields. Let’s take a look back at the first conference of APUMUN.