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News & Events


30/08/2018 689

Our students won two out of three prizes from HCMC International Schools Science Competition, competing against many other international high schools in HCMC.

The two award-winning projects include the “Water Filtration Machine” with seven layers to help filter dirty water into drinkable clean water and the “Beehive Charcoal,” a water filtering tool made from the affordable material of a beehive. These two projects were developed with the goal of saving the environment. The students shared that they were nervous during the competition because the judges were very strict, and they were bombarded with tough questions, but our students, with their knowledge and confidence, successfully proved to the judges their projects were worthy of recognition.

“It was tough going against huge international schools like SSIS, ISHCMC, BIS, etc., and meeting all these ‘scary judges’ (laugh) but now that I look back, they are all precious experiences. We really learned a lot from the competition,” John, a contestant, shared.

“We would like to thank Mr. Bill, our Science teaching for guiding us through this entire project with tips and advice. Without his encouragement, we could not have done it ourselves,” Kha said to her supervisor.